Pizza House's Pizza India grants you permission to view this website and to print individual pages from this website for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided that you agree to and accept without modification the notices, terms, and conditions set forth in this agreement. You may not modify, copy (except as set forth in the preceding sentence), distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, material, software, products or services from this website.
Your use of this website constitutes your agreement and acceptance without modification of the notices, terms and conditions set forth herein. In addition, as a condition of your use of this website, you represent and warrant to Pizza House's Pizza India that you will not use this website for any purpose that is unlawful, immoral, or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. If you do not agree and accept without modification the notices, terms and conditions set forth herein, do not use this website. Other than this agreement, Pizza House's Pizza India will not enter into any agreement with you or obligation to you through this website, and no attempt to create such an agreement or obligation will be effective.
Maximum liability for Pizza House's Pizza is 300. Orders of 5 or more pizzas/baked sides (in case of only side delivery) qualify as bulk orders and shall not be valid for service guarantee of less than 30 minutes or free. Service Guarantee of 30 Minutes or Free is also applicable only on one Pizza Mania combo of 4. Delivery guarantee is applicable at the first barrier point (security guard/reception etc.). Pizza House's Pizza does not penalize its drivers for late delivery. 30 minutes or free is not applicable when restaurant operating conditions are not suitable, this will be announced at the time of taking the order. Pizza House's Pizza reserves the right to withdraw the service guarantee without prior intimation. 30 minutes delivery guarantee shall not be applicable on New Years eve, on Ganesh Festival, Christmas and Durga Pooja, the service guarantee may be withdrawn temporarily in view of difficult operating conditions for delivery. 30 Minutes or Free Delivery Guarantee is Not Applicable on Buy One Pizza Get One Pizza Free.
Jubilant FoodWorks Limited is the Master Franchisee of Pizza House’s Pizza in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal with sole and exclusive rights to own and operate Pizza House’s Pizza restaurants in these territories. For any franchise-related queries, kindly email us directly at Pizza
We have come across a few instances of fraudsters posing as Jubilant FoodWorks and asking for payment from gullible investors against the promise of a Pizza House’s franchise. We therefore caution and urge all interested parties to be careful and vigilant and interact only with the email id mentioned above. Anyone dealing with such fraudsters shall be doing so on their own peril, risk and consequences.
Neither Jubilant FoodWorks nor its Directors/Officers shall be responsible for any loss, harm, damage or fraud that occurs or may occur or arise to any person who decides to access such fake websites, or deal with them.
This is for the information & knowledge of General Public that it has been brought to the notice of the Management of Jubilant FoodWorks Limited (JFL), the exclusive Master Franchisee of Pizza House’s Pizza pan India that there have been some instances of frauds being committed by various unscrupulous elements in order to extort money from unsuspecting individuals through fake calls asking to share user confidential like OTP, CVV, Card Details, internet password, etc. The Public at large is cautioned not to share these details with anyone over phone or e-mail as this could lead to fraud. Pizza House’s never calls for any OTP or user confidential information. It is further notified that no Director, Shareholder, Officer, Employee, Partner or any other Associated Staff of JFL shall be accountable for any loss, harm, damage or fraud that occurs or may occur or arise to any individual/entity due to sharing of their aforesaid user confidential over fake calls or any other medium while placing online orders for Pizza House’s Pizza in India. The individual/entity shall be solely responsible for the consequences of their any such act & decision.
This website may contain links to other websites. Such links are provided for your reference only.
Pizza House's Pizza India may also make employment information available through this website. Pizza House's Pizza India is an equal opportunity employer. Pizza House's Pizza India provides equal employment opportunity to qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability or other protected status.